Friday, May 30, 2008


Well I am in Boracay now, and I have the opportunity to spell opportunity correctly thanks to two corrections. I am glad people are keeping up with my blog enough to be concerned with how I spell things hahaha.

Anyways Boracay is awesome, it is being developed very rapidly and I am surrounded by a concoction of crystal clear waters, Koreans, white sandy beaches, Filipinos selling sunglasses and massages, and bancas all over the place. I got to scuba dive a shipwreck site yesterday and that was awesome. The dive took us to 29 meters or almost 100 feet and I got to swim inside the ship and even look out over the hull from where the steering wheel once was. Tonight I am going on a night dive, and tomorrow a dive with sharks that I am super pumped about. Life is great here and I'm going to go relax on the beach, take care.

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