Sunday, May 18, 2008


Well I have been very active since I last posted. On Saturday we hiked for 5 hours from Banaue to Batad. Batad is the home of the Ifugao people. They have lived in Batad for over 2000 years, and are responsible for the rice terraces that coved the mountains there. Literally there are not words in any language that I am familiar with to describe this place. It is by far one of the most beautiful places that I have ever seen, and to think that it is over 2000 years old is mindblowing. Today after staying overnight in the terraces, we hiked all over them, and even hiked down to a waterfall. Our toure took us over the terraces, down into the valley, and around a mountain. It was detrimental to my mental health going from one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, to one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, and back to one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Here are pictures because the English language knows no words to accurately describe what I have seen. Keep in mind that pictures also cannot do justice to this place.

Batad is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered by many to be the 8th Wonder of the World. It is sad though because the people that work the terraces still have to import rice, and are very poor. The only way to get to Batad is by hiking, and though I love this style of transportation, it deters many tourists. Keep in mind I am a Traveler, and not a Tourist, there is a big difference.

Leaving Batad included a beautiful 2 hour hike up into the mountains and then riding on the roof of a jeepney down dirt roads and next to landslides to Banaue, about 5-6 miles away. In case you have been wondering what a jeepney is here is a photo:

Note: Please click on any photo for a full size version: well worth the click!


Natalie said...

I'm really jealous of you. lkasdl;jasf. how hot has it been there slash has the weather been good? It looked a bit muggy in the pictures. I'm still really jealous; it looks awesome!

Annie said...

kevin, this sounds incredible!

becca parker said...

sick pictures. i want to be there