Monday, June 2, 2008

Welcome to Bangkok

Well I arrived in Bangkok last night and there are some differences I noticed already:

You drive on the left side of the road, and thus the steering wheels are on the right

Thai makes me feel silly because not only can I not speak it, I also cannot read it

Buddhism is the main religion and I have never experienced that before either

Our waiter last night spilled my beer onto three people, still made me pay for it, and refused to refill it. In the states this would have meant a free meal, gas money, and gift certificates hahaha. Welcome to Bangkok what can you do.

I got some pad Thai from a street vendor last night and forgot that Thai food is REALLY SPICY

Eating with chopsticks is fun though.

Three minutes left I will try to post a picture from Boracay, Philippines real quick! Crap no time!!!!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

hahaha in the states this would have meant a free meal, gas money, and certificates. that is the best.