Sunday, June 1, 2008

Time to be moving on

Well the rest of our time on Boracay was awesome, and our program has finally come to an end. The scuba diving was great, and the shark dive was much more tame than what occurred in my mother's imgaination. Hi mom! We still had a great dive and got to see some incredible aquatic life including sharks, 3 feet long tuna, and a 9 foot long seasnake. The sharks were mostly relaxing in this small cave that we got to look into. You could see 1-2 meter white-tips many of which seemed to be sleeping and some that continued to swim back and forth inside the cave. The dive took us to 40 meters also so it was a great confidence builder. Oh yeah here is a link to a video one of the dive guys shot:

Disclaimer: The videographer is sort of a perv so sorry about the European sunbather. Funny note about that, notice her child on the seat to her left!

Anyways many of our friends are now on their way back to the states, and I am preparing to fly to Bangkok tonight. It is sad that the program is over, but I am excited to so some traveling on my own. The study abroad far exceeded any expectations and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents and Natalie for their love and support of not only myself but my ideas.

Some places we are thinking about including in our future travels include: floating markets of Bangkok, Phnom Penh: Cambodia, Angkor Wat, Chang Mai: Thailand, possibly a stop in Laos, and maybe even a visit to a Burmese refugee camp in Northern Thailand. Our itenary is very agressive so it wil be exciting to see how our options play out.


Anonymous said...

rock on dude

becca parker said...

i want to be there and by there i mean cambodia, angkor wat, thailand, burmese refugee camp, all of the above

Unknown said...

It was nice having you guys here on the island. Some good times had by all!

Here's a link to the birthday video you guys attended.

Here's a link to the cocomangas video!